All About Restless Legs: 13 Fast & Original Solutions

Are restless legs dangerous?
Troubled legs are not necessarily dangerous in the sense that they have no worse consequences than the discomfort. Other conditions, such as edema or fluid in the legs, can be dangerous. Edema or fluid in the legs can lead to poor blood circulation, less walking ability, infection in the swollen areas and more. Fortunately, this is not the case with restless legs.

Where do troubled legs come from?
It turns out that about 10% of the population suffers from restless legs. It seems no more than logical that the causes have already been thoroughly investigated.
Nothing is further from the truth.
Restless legs have many causes and it is therefore not clear what exactly causes this popular condition. Often the causes have to do with a lack of blood flow in the legs, but also with genetic factors or a certain lifestyle. Below we will further discuss the 7 causes of restless legs and associated solutions.
Two different types of restless legs
There are roughly two forms of restless legs. The first form is genetically determined. In this case there is a deviation in the dopamine balance. Dopamine is a substance that allows communication and coordination between the brain and the nervous system. If there is an anomaly in the dopamine household, it means that the brain is less able to communicate with the nervous system, which can lead to spasms and involuntary movements. If you suffer from this form of restless legs, the symptoms usually start around the age of 40. About 80% of people with restless legs (also called restless legs or RLS) are said to suffer from this form.

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