3 Treatments & Exercises For Calf Strain That Work Now

What is a Calf Strain?
The lash is actually a tear in your muscle, which suddenly (acutely) occurs. Usually, a lash, also known as a tennis calf, is about 1 to 3 inches in size, which means a muscle tear is not large in this case. This condition is most common in active people between the ages of 25 and 65. In the Netherlands, it is estimated that half a percent of the population suffers from a lash every year. This amounts to more than 85,000 (!) People per year. It is striking that men have a whip one and a half times as often as women.
In the case of a calf strain, it often happens that the muscle tissue and the connective tissue are damaged.
A swelling and a bruise are then the visible consequences that you can see from a lash. This swelling and bruising may settle a little lower over time than where you feel the actual pain as the swelling goes down. The moment you get a lash, you will also hear a cracking sound. You will also experience a strong, sudden pain. Hence the name for this muscle tear. The muscle tear causes loss of strength at the site of the injury, so that you can no longer properly support the area in question. Since calf strain often occurs in the calves, this means that walking becomes difficult. While the majority of calf strain is diagnosed in the calves, in theory it could happen in any muscle, such as the back, arms or neck. Repairing a lash usually takes between 3 and 6 weeks. After that time you can often start building up again in a constructive way.

calf strain and working
Based on your profession, it can be difficult to start working with a whip.
Do you walk a lot during your work? Then it is difficult to stand and walk all day with a lash. Depending on the severity of the injury, it may be too painful to actually get started.
Do you sit while working? Then it is possible that you can just get started.
Always be careful with forcing gait and other movements when you have a lash. This can both make the recovery last longer and make the pain worse.

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